Hop Around
(tune: If You're Happy and You Know It)
If you like the Easter Bunny, [hop around].
If you like the Easter Bunny, [hop around]
If you like the Easter Bunny
and you think he's very funny,
If you like the Easter Bunny, [hop around].
[twitch your nose]
[thump your feet]
[shake your tail]
I'm a Little Bunny
(tune: I'm a Little Teapot)
I'm a little bunny (point to self)
See me hop (hop up and down)
Watch my ears go flippity flop (flip-flop hands like ears).
My tail is soft as cotton, look and see! (pretend to wag tail).
My nose wiggles, so wiggle with me! (wiggle nose).
Bunny hiding in the grass